Tag: paranoia

Paranoia Red Clearance Edition Non-Player Character Sheet Template

PARANOIA: Red Clearance Edition plays fast and loose with NPCs, bots, monsters (READ: animals and mutated animals) from the Outdoors, and anything else the Game Master controls. Which is how it should be. But as the edition has progressed during the pass off form the Red Clearance Edition starter set all the way through to the Acute PARANOIA boxed set, NPC stat blocks have undergone a few changes. Mostly, this is just to give GMs some pointers and benchmarks, but there are those GMs — likely traitors or mutants themselves — that enjoy using a more fleshed-out stat block, so for them, I’m showing off some of the templates I use.

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Using the Cards – Or Not – for Paranoia Red Clearance Edition

Paranoia: Red Clearance Edition features a great new card mechanic that allows actions, reactions, gear, and mutant powers to determine initiative order and serve as a useful rules reference. But these cards aren’t mandatory, or at least the initiative and action/reaction system isn’t. It’s a piece of cake to remove this layer and rely on the standard dice pool rules to solve everything, leaving the cards as useful reference tools (mutant powers, secret society affiliations, gear, etc.) or as an added layer only triggered at certain times.

Here’s a bunch of different ideas on how to use, abuse, or ignore the cards in Paranoia: Red Clearance Edition.

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Paranoia Index for Red Clearance Edition

The latest edition of Paranoia has been out for a while and since I’ve got a few missions under my belt, I figured I’d share my index. I use it to quickly reference stuff across the various rule books (and the Mission Book and supplements, when appropriate), and I’m hoping to use it as a springboard to build a much more pretty-looking index some day. Check it out!

Update! Includes the following publications:

  • Paranoia: Ultraviolet Clearance Edition (Kickstarter)
  • Acute Paranoia
  • Yellow Clearance Black Box Blues (Remastered)
  • Implausible Deniability
  • Truth or Dare

…And the card sets:

  • More [REDACTED] Societies
  • Mutant Explosion
  • RAM Deck
  • Perfectly Safe Gear

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