Tag: dungeon masters guild (Page 2 of 3)

Uncaged Volume I – Part One of a Dungeon Masters Guild Review

This review is coming in two parts because this book is worth taking time with! Part one covers all 14 of the Tier 1 adventures (character levels 1-4).

Unique among one-shot adventure collections in that Uncaged has a tightly unifying theme gloriously realized through adventure scenarios that often feature tough moral dilemmas, Uncaged Volume I is a triumph. It is beautifully laid out with several tools that make it incredibly easy to navigate it’s 26 adventures, many of which feature new monsters, magic items, and encounter maps. With the exception of maybe one or two missing references that might affect gameplay, the editing is incredibly consistent, making it a joy to read. If you’re looking for one-shots that are more than just dungeoncrawls, there might not be a better release out there.

Rating: Content 5/5 and Form 4/5

Buy Uncaged Volume I here at the DMsGuild!

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The Bog of Enoren Titchwillow – A DMsGuild Adventure Available Now!

Are your adventurers in search of forbidden lore? Do they seek the fate of a young brass dragon that once protected the countryside? Has someone important to them been cursed? Or worse yet, gone missing, the victim of some terrible visitation in the darkest of night?

If so, the heroes must track down and defeat one of the most powerful night hags in all of the lands. But first, the must make to the very heart of…

The Bog of Enoren Titchwillow!

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The Wizard of Zo Dungeon Masters Guild Review

JVC Parry brings the Dungeon Masters Guild something on a completely other level with the release of The Wizard of Zo. Oozing with flavor, evocatively tied to the Tomb of Annihilation campaign, and filled with cheeky (but not tone-breaking) references to The Wizard of Oz, this adventure also excels at providing fun encounters across the gamut of the three pillars of play. It’s hard to find this level of consistent quality.

Rating: Content 5/5 and Form 4/5

Buy The Wizard of Zo by JVC Parry at the Dungeon Masters Guild.

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Animal Training by E. R. F. Jordan: A Dungeon Masters Guild Review

E. R. F. Jordan tackles one of my favorite subjects in Animal Training (5e Rules): befriending the monsters you meet on your adventures and turning them into useful allies! It dovetails nicely with the established rules for Beast Master ranger animal companions in that it states outright it’s doing something for all characters and classes. It divides the subject matter into three simple sections, each with compelling, elegant mechanics. For a subject that I’m so invested in, it’s a tall order for Animal Training to bring something I like to the field, but E. R. F. Jordan’s system mastery and concise writing delivers in every way imaginable. I’m definitely using this guide in my games.

Rating: Content 5/5 and Form 3/5

Pick up Animal Training (5e Rules) by E. R. F. Jordan at Dungeon Masters Guild today!

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Quirks by E. R. F. Jordan: A Dungeon Masters Guild Review

E. R. F. Jordan’s Quirks (5e Rules) is a roleplay-heavy rules supplement that gives players a major character trait that has both beneficial (talents) and negative (flaws) sides. Though certainly focused on the roleplay, this book features elegant mechanics for the quirks, and they translate extremely easily to other existing mechanics, such as minor magical item properties, background features, and more. This versatility, along with some guidance by the author for using quirks as alternate rewards or having them chosen via random roll, really gives Quirks a lot of usability in a clean 11-page package.

Rating: Content 4/5 and Form 3/5

Pick up Quirks (5e Rules) by E. R. F. Jordan at Dungeon Masters Guild today!

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