Tag: blackwing productions

Fantasy Roleplaying – An Omnibus of Opponents Review

This review originally appeared on neuronphaser.com, and has been moved here for archival purposes.

Fantasy Roleplaying: An Omnibus of Opponents by Blackwing Productions (Jeremy Puckett) is a fantastic addition to the Cortex Plus Heroic Roleplaying line, bringing over a 100 new monsters to the game with great mechanics and showing off an awesome mix of styles, from D&D fantasy to classic folklore to Mythos monsters and more. It’s a bit weak in the looks department and doesn’t have enough art to be a real contender in the wider “Monster Book” market, but you can’t find a better resource if you’re playing Cortex Plus and need some foes!

Rating: Content 5/5 and Form 3/5.

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Fantasy Roleplaying – A Registry of Rules Review

This review originally appeared on neuronphaser.com, and has been moved here for archival purposes.

Fantasy Roleplaying: A Registry of Rules by Blackwing Productions (Jeremy Puckett’s publishing company) is a fantastic supplement for a woefully under-appreciated game line. It provides a full complement of add-ons and some tweaks to re-balance core materials for different play styles, effectively creating a “complete” experience in Cortex Plus Fantasy Heroic Roleplaying: you’ve got all the core tenants of D&D gaming, including large-scale warfare, domain rulership, naval combat, and a ton of new character races and classes.

Rating: Content 5/5 and Form 4/5.

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