It’s been a long time since I’ve (publicly) put a lot into game development and publishing, but behind the scenes things have been going on. A lot of things.

There will be bigger announcements and more news coming in the future. But for now, I just wanted to take a moment to say these new ventures will be happening under a more formalize organization: Bannock N Barkby, named after myself and the magical pupster who’s been in my logo for some time!

If you’d be so kind as to show some love, here’s where you’ll be able to find stuff in the future:

Facebook Page:


Twitter (because X is a stupid name):

Like, subscribe, share, whatever. I’m not a big fan of social media, but you gotta what you gotta do to get the word out, right? Your support is always much appreciated; there’s no gaming without friends!

Tim Bannock Publishing will slowly but surely morph into Bannock N Barkby, and you may even see some revised releases to celebrate.

More to come!