Tag: astonishing super heroes

Astonishing Super Heroes Lives On in HEROIC The Role-Playing Game – Now on Backerkit

It was announced months ago that the FASERIP retroclone remix Astonishing Super Heroes was not going to be receiving the planned second book, Spectacular Origins, but the future was not bleak! We can finally announce the official news explaining what’s up!

HEROIC The Role-Playing Game by Zenith Entertainment Group has just launched on Backerkit!

Andrew Collas of ZEG has assembled a superpowered team of writers and editors to forge a new path forward, completing everything that Astonishing Super Heroes set out to do and so much more! This includes significantly revising an expanded list of powers, among a great many more revisions borne out of prolonged play tests. This will make HEROIC perhaps the single most comprehensive take on revising and streamlining the original FASERIP rules to bring them to a modern audience.

I’m truly excited to see ASH live on in a new and better-supported form. Please show your love by pledging to help out on Backerkit, and follow along with all the news and more gaming goodness at Zenith’s Facebook!

Rising Tide Issue 3 – Astonishing Super Heroes Campaign Journal

Rising Tide is an Astonishing Super Heroes campaign set in Boston, MA. I’m the GM, and I’m joined by my brother Joel and my cousin Matthew. They each play two characters: Joel’s running DISK GIRL/Naomi Nikita Johnson and THE CAT/Bella Arthur, and Matthew’s running MONOCHROME/Simon Blake and THE SAINT (who is a sentient construct created by Monochrome, and thus has no secret identity).

I will be posting session reports (“campaign journal”) like this one of the campaign periodically. They will include commentary on — or tie into related posts about — campaign building, on-the-fly rulings, and even playtesting new game mechanics. If this is your first visit, consider starting with Issue #1 to get some of the campaign setting and character backstory.

In Issue #3, the heroes seek the final pieces of the puzzle behind Tom Wood murdering former police commissioner Thaddeus Kozer, in part because of the appearance of magical shadow monsters during what was supposed to be a less violent confrontation. Unfortunately, after they get their answers, they also get attacked by the superhuman mercenaries known as Halo Force!

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Rising Tide Issue 2 – Astonishing Super Heroes Campaign Journal

Rising Tide is an Astonishing Super Heroes campaign set in Boston, MA. I’m the GM, and I’m joined by my brother Joel and my cousin Matthew. They each play two characters: Joel’s running DISK GIRL/Naomi Nikita Johnson and THE CAT/Bella Arthur, and Matthew’s running MONOCHROME/Simon Blake and THE SAINT (who is a sentient construct created by Monochrome, and thus has no secret identity).

I will be posting session reports (“campaign journal”) like this one of the campaign periodically. They will include commentary on — or tie into related posts about — campaign building, on-the-fly rulings, and even playtesting new game mechanics. If this is your first visit, consider starting with Issue #1 to get some of the campaign setting and character backstory.

In Issue #2, the heroes investigate the scene of the crime: the uncharacteristically high-society estate that the retired police commissioner lived in. They come into contact with metahuman security mercs from Halo Force, and begin to realize things are a lot more complex than they first appeared.

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Rising Tide Issue 1 – Astonishing Super Heroes Campaign Journal

Rising Tide is an Astonishing Super Heroes campaign set in Boston, MA. I’m the GM, and I’m joined by my brother Joel and my cousin Matthew. They each play two characters: Joel’s running DISK GIRL/Naomi Nikita Johnson and THE CAT/Bella Arthur, and Matthew’s running MONOCHROME/Simon Blake and THE SAINT (who is a sentient construct created by Monochrome, and thus has no secret identity).

I will be posting session reports (“campaign journal”) like this one of the campaign periodically. They will include commentary on — or tie into related posts about — campaign building, on-the-fly rulings, and even playtesting new game mechanics. This first campaign journal will mostly be story setup; look for a related post on how I built the entire campaign setting and first scenario in just 6 or 8 total hours of work!

In Issue #1, the heroes are introduced to a fishy murder charge leveled at an inexperienced vigilante, and learn just how byzantine the collision between the metahuman community and the corruption in Boston can get.

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Rising Tide – How to Build a Superhero Campaign the Easy Way

I’ve started Rising Tide, an Astonishing Super Heroes campaign set in Boston, MA. This article will take a deep-dive behind the GM’s screen on how I setup a superhero campaign loaded with historical detail with very little prep.

This is about building the campaign setting itself. I’ll talk a little about the setting of Boston, how I pulled together an awesome roster of NPCs and a few cool locations, and how I generated the first scenario of the campaign. Best of all, I’ll show you how I was able to do it very easily and very quickly by putting most of the work on the players!

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