Labyrinth: The Adventure Game is a neat ultra rules-lite dungeon crawler that doesn’t get nearly the accolades it deserves. The system is fun and simple: you roll 1d6 for all tests, there’s an advantage and disadvantage mechanic, and there’s a mechanic for helping on rolls. The adventure is incredible: it’s a puzzle dungeon setup that tracks your progress, forces you to progress through the labyrinth, and presents unique mechanics on an as-needed basis in order to reinforce the macabre, fairy tale rules the party operates under when facing off against the Goblin King and his minions.

Here’s a bunch of new traits, flaws, and tools for characters to use, as well as rules for Human-Only games, which might be particularly handy for getting inexperienced (or especially young) players into the game!

Human-Only Games

In a human-only game, the players can only choose the Human kin. Rather than receiving an extra trait, however, each player can choose (or roll) for one of the following options to lend variety to the party: 1-2 Extra trait, 3-4 Steed, 5-6 Tool.

Extra Trait: Just like the normal human benefit, you choose a second trait to reveal something else you’re good at. Feel free to choose from or roll on the table presented in the Traits section, below.

Steed: When advancing through the labyrinth immediately after the first scene, the party runs into an animal of the Goblin King’s choice that befriends the PC, and remains loyal throughout the adventure. Write the steed’s name next to this trait once you’ve found it. Some examples:

  • giant badger (p. 261)
  • goblin mount (p. 263)
  • griffon hatchling (p. 264)
  • horned beast (p. 265)
  • a random Knight of Yore’s steed (p. 267)

Tool: You are carrying something on you when you first enter the labyrinth. Feel free to choose from or roll on the tables presented in the Tools section, below.


Roll 1d6 to determine which table to roll, then roll 1d6 on that table. Or simply choose!

Table 1: The original tools

  1. Shears
  2. Hammer and chisel
  3. Spray gun
  4. Trowel
  5. Wrench
  6. Handsaw

Table 2

  1. Box of chalk
  2. Box of matches
  3. Lighter
  4. Box of crayons
  5. Flashlight
  6. 20-foot rope

Table 3

  1. Pot
  2. Scissors
  3. Screwdriver
  4. Blanket
  5. Notebook and pencil
  6. Measuring tape

Table 4

  1. Roll of duct tape
  2. Set of dice
  3. Metal credit card
  4. Deck of cards
  5. Guitar
  6. Harmonica

Table 5

  1. Walkman
  2. iPod
  3. Digital watch
  4. Gameboy
  5. Bag of marbles
  6. Fishing rod and tackle

Table 6

  1. Makeup set
  2. Bottle of superglue
  3. Packet of incense
  4. Ball of colored yarn
  5. Shovel
  6. Binoculars


Here’s a list of six new traits:

  1. Animal care & training
  2. Climbing & swimming
  3. Throwing & catching
  4. Jumping & tumbling
  5. Acting & convincing
  6. Searching & tracking

In a game without a Knight of Yore character, you might have a PC with the Animal Care & Training trait befriend an NPC animal and gain it as a steed. In this case, add “Steed (NAME)” to that PC’s traits.


Here’s a list of six new flaws:

  1. Jealous
  2. Clumsy
  3. Greedy
  4. Talkative
  5. Quiet
  6. Vain

What do you think? Any new traits, flaws, traits, or rules you’ve added to your games of Labyrinth?

Up next: magical spells for Labyrinth!