I recently started a Marvel Heroic Roleplaying campaign that’s basically a Civil War What If…? where the House of M stuff didn’t drastically sideline the mutants, since my players wanted to play X-Men and X-related characters. Plus we’re from the era of the 1990s X-Men The Animated Series cartoon, so being able to rely on some continuity elements of that wouldn’t be so bad.
One of the things we’re doing is having the X-Men PCs take on New Mutants as apprentices. Since one of the PCs is Colossus, we decided to take a page from the Deadpool movies and place Negasonic Teenage Warhead on the New Mutants roster and become his protégé. It’s a nice call back to Kitty Pryde getting demoted from the X-Men to the New Mutants circa New Mutants Vol. 1 #3 or 4. Meanwhile, the other PC is an original character based on one of our previous non-Marvel superhero campaigns written up on this very site, Monochrome. He’ll be taking Karma under his wing.
You’ll see that I’m not really following canon timelines, because we don’t really care about that sort of thing! Negasonic is basically immediately post-Deadpool & the Mercs for Money, and Karma is more or less at the start of New Mutants Vol. 1.
So without further ado, here are the datafiles for Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Karma.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead datafile front

Negasonic Teenage Warhead datafile back
Negasonic Teenage Warhead – as a PDF

Karma datafile front

Karma datafile back
Karma – as a PDF
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