Rising Tide is an Astonishing Super Heroes campaign set in Boston, MA. I’m the GM, and I’m joined by my brother Joel and my cousin Matthew. They each play two characters: Joel’s running DISK GIRL/Naomi Nikita Johnson and THE CAT/Bella Arthur, and Matthew’s running MONOCHROME/Simon Blake and THE SAINT (who is a sentient construct created by Monochrome, and thus has no secret identity).
I will be posting session reports (“campaign journal”) like this one of the campaign periodically. They will include commentary on — or tie into related posts about — campaign building, on-the-fly rulings, and even playtesting new game mechanics. This first campaign journal will mostly be story setup; look for a related post on how I built the entire campaign setting and first scenario in just 6 or 8 total hours of work!
In Issue #1, the heroes are introduced to a fishy murder charge leveled at an inexperienced vigilante, and learn just how byzantine the collision between the metahuman community and the corruption in Boston can get.